In the world of fixed-length instruction sets, the addition of compressed instructions (no-longer fixed-length instructions) is kind of a nuisance. Arm dropped them when they went to AArch64, and there was a proposal to make them optional in RISC-V but it didn’t fly.

Complaints about compressed instructions which I’ve heard most frequently include:

  • Instructions can straddle cache lines, and other implementation-dependent boundaries, making implementation complicated and error-prone.
  • Potential number of instruction start points for instructions is large but sparse, leaving a lot of bubbles or other garbage to clean up early in the pipeline for large-scale out-of-order implementations.
  • Execution could begin in the middle of an instruction, with unexpected behaviour creating new gadgets that are hard for tooling to discover and mitigate.

natural alignment

One partial compromise is to allow smaller instructions but allowing larger instructions only at their natural alignments. A 32-bit instruction can only start at a 32-bit boundary, a 16-bit instruction can start at any 16-bit boundary, and a 64-bit instruction must only start on a 64-bit boundary.

This ensures that no instruction straddles feature boundaries, and it constrains the look-back distance to ensure that an entrypoint is not actually the middle of a larger instruction: you need only go back to the natural alignment of the largest instruction format supported in the architecture (it might be half that, but I haven’t yet confirmed).

And I don’t know if this makes sense in a real implementation, but it seems to me that you can also mitigate the excessive number of instruction start points by ingesting aligned pairs of compressed instructions as a single instruction at the front end, and then splitting them into their constituents as micro-ops later on. Or if there’s a performance benefit and you don’t mind deviating from 2-in-1-out operand model then you could implement the instruction pair as a single μ-op. But that’s an implementation detail and probably shouldn’t be allowed to steer the design unduly… let me circle back to that.

If you need a 32-bit instruction to follow a 16-bit instruction which ends at an odd 16-bit boundary, then you replace that 16-bit instruction with a 32-bit equivalent to make it end at a 32-bit boundary (or possibly to reorder some instructions). This implies some loss of compression.

As an aside, my personal inclination is to also prohibit branches to odd 16-bit aligned destinations because it’s not hard to force the alignment of branch targets, and you get one more bit in return in the offset of relative branches.

But there are a couple of other advantages that fall out of natural alignment, too. I think these mostly come from being able to take a packetised view of the encoding.

As a general rule, compression techniques offer increasing gains by considering larger contexts at once, at the cost of greater complexity in decoding. That’s an ever-shifting balance which depends on what technologies and techniques and trade-offs exist to mitigate that complexity.

I’ll just try to look at some simple things.

The simplest benefit of packetising pairs of compressed (notionally 16-bit) instructions in the space of a normal (notionally 32-bit) instruction is in having flexibility in how you apportion the coding space. For example, a 32-bit packet might use a two-bit prefix which apportions three quarters of the space to 31½-bit opcodes and one quarter to pairs of 15-bit compressed opcodes.

But more importantly, we can also take the first step into exploiting context.

overlapping opcodes

Supposing the instruction decoder must see all 32 bits of the current instruction in case it turns out to be a 32-bit instruction, a 16-bit instruction at that position doesn’t strictly have to be limited to the first 16 bits. It could decode instruction arguments from anywhere in the 32-bit word even if it is marked as a 16-bit instruction. It just has to loop back and do this a second time, decoding different bits, if the first instruction was compressed (or if something branched to the odd 16-bit offset of that 32-bit instruction packet, or if an exception has to resume there).

And if you can jumble the bits up like this then you can also overlap them. This is already fairly typical within a single instruction where the destination and the first source register are logically overlapped and decoded from the same bits (sometimes denoted as the Rsd operand):

Op0 op Op0 Rs1 Op0 Rs2 Op0 imm Op0 imm Op0 Rd Op1 op Op1 Rs1 Op1 Rs2 Op1 imm Op1 imm Op1 Rd

Perhaps it’s beneficial to have a mode of compression which overlaps the destination of the first instruction with a source of the second instruction. Eg.,

Operations which spring to mind are array indexing and pre/post increments on load/store addressing, and compare/branch instructions, which I think were part of the Qualcomm proposal (later named “Zics”). The difference here, though, is that the instructions are still logically separate, and if you don’t like the deviation from 2-in-1-out operand regularity, then you don’t have to deviate and can just regard the instructions separately.

Presumably many pairs of compressed instructions would pass a result from the first op to the second and then have no further use for that temporary. In that case using the same destination register operand for both might be appropriate (so the second op implicitly destroys the temporary), but that’s not always appropriate – for example when the second destination register is also an input to the second operation.

Perhaps a better method might be to use an encoding with a fixed register (or small subset of registers) as the temporary.


As a general rule even if the temporary should be discarded after the second instruction it does need to be accessible between the instructions in case the second raises an exception and the temporary result from the first needs to be saved and restored by the handler. Or you could carefully design things so that the instruction pair is idempotent and the resume can start at the first instruction (consistent with my disinclination for oddly-aligned branch targets).

After that there’s the matter of how to denote various instruction size combinations when they’re more constrained by the lack of unaligned cases.

opcode size encoding

If everything is bundled in a maximum-chunk-size packet then the number of ways to subdivide that into [notionally] power-of-two-sized instructions can be calculated as:

  1. A short instruction: $1$ possibility
  2. Two of the above or one long instruction: $1 \times 1 + 1 = 2$ possibilities
  3. Any two of the above, or one longer instruction: $2 \times 2 + 1 = 5$ possibilities
  4. Any two of the above, or one longerer instruction: $5 \times 5 + 1 = 26$ possibilities
  5. Any two of the above, or one longererer instruction: $26 \times 26 + 1 = 677$ possibilities
  6. etc..

This isn’t coming out to a nice round number of bits, but it can be expressed in various variable-length code arrangements, depending on which cases you want to optimise.

With a view to supporting the stream-of-bits instruction decoder model (potentially at the cost of being able to validate misaligned entrypoints and reintroducing surprise gadgets), these variable-length codes should be distributed across some minimum atom size in a way that indicates how each atom is to be interpreted without look-back to the header of a larger packet. This also allows future expansion to larger packet sizes without changing the instruction encoding.

Trying to make this arbitrary-length at the outset while remaining efficient is hard.

Here’s a trivial system where the most significant bit of the smallest instruction size is an end-of-opcode flag (sort of like LEB128 or whatever). Then reclaim any bits that would signal a non-power-of-two instruction, because those don’t exist.

15 0 31 16 47 32 63 48 79 64 95 80 111 96 127 112 143 128 159 144 175 160 191 176 207 192 223 208 239 224 255 240 0 1 Op0 Op0 Op1 Op1 Op2 Op2 Op3 Op3 Op4 Op4 Op5 Op5 Op6 Op6 Op7 Op7 Op8 Op8 Op9 Op9 Op10 Op10 Op11 Op11 Op12 Op12 Op13 Op13 Op14 Op14 Op15 Op15

This saves a few bits where there’s no need to express non-power-of-two extensions, but it fails to exploit attempts generating instructions at bad alignments. Notice that it makes no sense, for example, for a 0 to follow a 1 at an odd 16-bit offset, because this would imply an instruction word which would not be naturally aligned.

So let’s grab that encoding space as well…

Now it’s getting messy.

This isn’t very regular because while it doubles the size of the 32-bit encoding space, extra bits are needed to distinguish between 64 and 128 and other instruction lengths, and there are still other unused patterns to be reclaimed in a way that isn’t going to be regular or cheap.

There are ways to rebalance this by using a larger atom size. Like using 32-bit packets which may contain 16-bit instructions or be fused into 64-bit or 128-bit instructions.

Maybe I’ll have a think about that at some point…

Something more robust, but wasteful, might be a system similar to UTF-8, where extension words are all illegal start words:

There are various rearrangements of that to move the efficient cases to different instruction sizes, but that’s also not too interesting right now.

macro-op fusion

I mentioned earlier that it wasn’t good form to let implementation lead design, here, but a frustration with RISC-V’s purity is the dependence on macro-op fusion to meet the performance of less pure architectures. I see a lot of overlap between Zics and the proposed list on WikiChip (though some of fused ops already exist in other extensions).

If aligned, contextually-compressed instruction pairs facilitate easier fusion, then we gain a kind of compound instruction; maintaining the purity of two basic instructions with the performance potential of the fused pair.

Given the compression achievements with Zics, it seems prudent to be conservative in the allocation of compressed opcode pairs. Allocating only what’s needed to match existing compression and facilitate known fusion candidates, and not squandering the rest on the long tail of marginal gains in either space.

going futher

Extending an instruction coding scheme out to naturally-aligned 64-bit and beyond also allows evolution in the direction either of VLIW or more ambitious context-exploiting instruction compression. I cannot imagine a case for stronger compression today, but if one wanted to invest so heavily in such an instruction decoder it would certainly be doable.