Posts tagged security

  • Clipboard subversion on StackOverflow

    Because Markdown is really a mixture of Markdown syntax and raw HTML to fill in gaps where Markdown can’t do the job, having user-generated content in Markdown format doesn’t help to curb malicious content. Users are still publishing HTML and have opportunities to embed something malicious or sneaky.

  • A pick-resistant lock design

    There are a fair few attempts at “unpickable” locks out there, and overall I don’t think I have a great deal to add to the range of pre-existing methods. But a couple of years ago I thought I might have a go at my own design anyway.

  • Curl is not secure by default

    I often find that when there’s been some debate about a topic on the internet the conclusion might be a thorough debunking of a bad idea but also a failure to address a more nuanced idea – or sometimes even a more fundamental idea.

  • Idly musing over RowHammer mitigation strategies

    Watching a RowHammer talk (slides) a while back (not actually the linked one, but I couldn’t find the one I attended) left me with a couple of thoughts about possible mitigations which I didn’t see discussed.